Content Development

How you plan for your content development can make or break your project. It’s important to assign responsibility and map out your content development process at the start of your project—you don’t want your launch held up as you wait for final content to be written and approved.

Early on, draft a style guide to share with all content contributors. This will help your team produce consistent content and make for less editing later.

You can use this example style guide as a template for your own. Continue to revise and add to it after your product is live.

Content Contributors

Decide if one person, a centralized team, or a distributed team will develop your content. If you decide on a distributed team, assign one or two people to review all final content to ensure that the tone, style, and voice are consistent across the board.

Make sure that all writers have time to produce content on schedule. Drafting, editing, and reviewing content takes much longer than people often think. In addition to a style guide, make sure to give writers specific deadlines and requirements, such as word count, when assigning tasks.

Content Approval

Ensure that the appropriate individuals (for instance, subject matter experts or legal experts) review and approve the content before you send it to your production team. Incorporate time for content approvals in your content development schedule, so that content delivered to production is final.

Maintaining Content

One of the primary difficulties with any content-rich website is keeping it up-to-date and making sure all links remain active. To guarantee your content is consistently reviewed and updated, assign someone on your team to be responsible for content governance and schedule regular content reviews on your calendar.

DoITT’s Web Content Development guidelines have additional information on developing content, with specific directions for preparing production-ready content for TeamSite, the content management system used for Request the guidelines by contacting the Digital Blueprint team.